Comnetsat 2022 – Activities Report

The 11th IEEE International Conference on Communications, Network, and Satellite (Comnetsat 2022), Solo, Indonesia – Virtual By Arief Hamdani Gunawan, Arfianto Fahmi, and Anggun Fitrian Isnawati, Indonesia

The 11th IEEE International Conference on Communications, Network, and Satellite (IEEE Comnetsat 2022) was held successfully on November 3 – 5, 2022. The annual conference aims to address the current state of technology and the outcome of ongoing research in the area of ​​Broadband, Photonics, Satellite, Communication, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

The IEEE Comnetsat 2022 sponsored by EEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Indonesia Chapter, IEEE Indonesia Section, and IEEE AESS/GRSS Indonesia Joint Chapter and organized by Institute of Technology Telkom Purwokerto was originally planned to be held in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. In the midst of the new normal after the COVID-19 pandemic, a physical face to face conference meeting for the 2022 IEEE Comnetsat in Solo could not be held. However, thanks to the development of information technology, IEEE Comnetsat 2022 can still run smoothly by virtual using synchronous video conferencing. Solo is located in the lowlands at an altitude of 105 m asl with an area of ​​44.1 km2 (0.14% of Central Java area). It is surrounded by Mount Merbabu and Merapi in the West, and Mount Lawu in the East. It has the motto “Berseri”, an acronym for Bersih (clean), Sehat (healthy), Rapi (neat), and Indah (beautiful) as a slogan for maintaining the enchanting of the city. In addition, it also has several nicknames including the Batik City, the Culture City, and the Liwet City. Batik is one of the cloth heritage industries of Solo.

Comnetsat shows its sustainability due to the hard work of the conference organizers, well-organized conferences and high-quality papers. The acceptance rate of 59%, from 150 papers submitted resulted in 88 papers being accepted. They are 25 papers on the Communication track, 23 papers on Network track, 2 papers on Satellite track, 4 papers on Broadband & Photonics track, and 34 papers on Data Science & Artificial Intelligence track.

Fig 1. Opening Session of IEEE Comnetsat 2022

Many important updates were delivered at IEEE Comnetsat 2022 during 14 paralell sessions and 4 keynote speakers. On day 1, the opening speech session was delivered by Dr. Arfianto Fahmi as General Chair Comnetsat 2022 and also Rector of Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Dr. Ing. Wahyudi Hasbi as Chair of IEEE Indonesia Section, Dr. Bambang Setia Nugroho as Chair of IEEE Communications Society Indonesia, and Dr. Arifin Nugroho as Chair of Indonesian Section IEEE AESS/GRSS Chapter. The first keynote speaker session, Carla Raffaelli from University of Bologna, Italy, presented “Network Slicing from Definition to Evolution Towards 6G”. The second keynote speaker session, Vasilis Friderikos from King’s College London, presented “Aerial Robotic Small Cells for Efficient 6G Network Densification”. On day 2, Nolang Fanani as the third keynote speaker from Hyundai Mobis Europe Germany, presented “Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicle”. On Day 3, Sahashiv Phadnis from Anritsu Company, Morgan Hill, CA, presented “New generation microwave synthesizer key design technologies and advanced testing trend”. 

Fig 2. Keynote Speakers Session of IEEE Comnetsat 2022

In the closing session, IEEE Comnetsat 2022 presented four best papers as follows:

  1. Broadband, Photonics, and Satellite: “Terahertz Antenna-coupled Microbolometer: Impact of High Heater Resistance” by Arie Pangesti Aji (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia); Hiroaki Satoh (Shizuoka University, Japan); Catur Apriono and Eko Tjipto Rahardjo (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia); Hiroshi Inokawa (Shizuoka University, Japan) 
  2. Communications: “LEO Satellite Authentication using Physical Layer Features with Support Vector Machine” by Mohammed Hammouda and T. Aaron Gulliver (University of Victoria, Canada)
  3. Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: Marine Vessels Detection on Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Optical Satellites by Bill Van Ricardo Zalukhu and Arie Wahyu Wijayanto (Politeknik Statistika STIS, Indonesia); Muhammad Iqbal Habibie (National and Research Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia)
  4. Network & IT: Quality Control Through Game Theory of a Cascading Multi-robot Machine Vision System by Samuele Benfatti, Ivano Donadi and Elvina Gindullina (University of Padova, Italy); Leonardo Badia (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy)

IEEE Comnetsat 2022 also presented four best presenters as follows:

  1. Broadband, Photonics, and Satellite: Kaiwei Wang from China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 38th Research Institute
  2. Communications: Naga manoj Makkena from International Institute of Information of Technology, Hyderabad, India) (International Institute of Information of Technology, Hyderabad, India
  3. Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: Jimmy Tjen from Universitas Widya Dharma Pontianak, Indonesia
  4. Network & IT: Quynh Tu Ngo from La Trobe University, Australia

Finally, we look forward to your participation in IEEE Comnetsat 2023 in Malang, Indonesia. Stay safe, healthy, and productive for everyone. Thank you.