Hola Readers!
The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology (IAICT) were held by hybrid (On-site Conference in Bali – Indonesia, and a Virtual Conference) on July 28-30, 2022. This hybrid conference was held was so different from the past conference. IAICT’2022 was organized and sponsored by IEEE Indonesia Communications Society Chapter and Telkom University.
IAICT’2022 provides a forum for researchers, academicians, professionals, and students from various engineering fields and with cross-disciplinary interests and working in Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology to interact and disseminate information on the latest developments.
The Paper published in the IAICT’2022 conference proceeding and presented paper will be submitted to IEEE Xplore. With that acceptance rate of 58,5% out of 115 papers submitted, only 55 papers were accepted and 45 papers registered at this conference.
- 9 Paper on Industry 4.0
- 33 Paper on Artificial Intelligence
- 2 Paper on Communication Technology
On day 1, the conference official has been opened by the Chair of IAICT’2022 and inaugurated by Traditional Balinese Dance.
After the opening session, the next agenda is the keynote speech delivered by Craig Wright Ph.D. from nChain and moderated by Dr. Faisal Budiman. Speech entitled: “Bitcoin and the Holy Grail: The Importance of Bitcoin as a P2P Electronic Cash System”.
The next agenda was an on-site presentation of 17 papers in 3 sessions, every session was within 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for question and answer. . The presenter and author that presented on-site were from Indonesia, India, Canada, Korea, Spain, Italy, Franc, and Jordan. The first sessions were session chaired by Dr. Faisal Budiman from Telkom University – Indonesia, the second sessions were session chaired by Sudhish N. George from the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut – India, and three sessions were session chaired by Daniele D. Giusto from University of Cagliari – Italy.
After the presentation, the next agenda was Gala Dinner in the Restaurant Hotel in front of Kuta Beach. All the committees also presenters and families can enjoy the gala dinner with a live performance of Balines dance music. All who the attended gala dinner was so happy because can enjoy the vibe of Bali with the traditional food and also can dance with the dancer.
On day 2, the presenter and session chair attended virtually. But, the attendee who has been presented on day 1 also attended on-site. On this day there were 28 papers presented in 4 sessions. The session chair in session 4 was Gandeva Bayu Satrya, Ph.D from Telkom University – Indonesia, session 5 was Dr. Reza Rendian Septiawan from Telkom University – Indonesia, session 6 was Dr. Husneni Mukhtar from Telkom University – Indonesia, and session 6 was Dr. Alireza Ghasempour from University of Applied Science and Technology (UAST) -US who also the TPC Member / Reviewer IAICT’2022.
On day 3, was the time to enjoy Bali Island. On this day has been speed one day Bali Tour. The tour visited 4 destination from mountain and beach. The most foreign tour participantswas the first time visit Bali. So they were so excited join this tour. The tour explore Bali island from mountain area and beach area, so tour participan not only know Bali from one side but from other side. Also IAICT’2022 present the traditional place culture of Bali. In the end of the tour, the participants watch sunset in Tanah Lot. That was also the beautiful moments for farewell IAICT’2022.
For the first hybrid conference, IAICT’2022 has held almost success. All the participants both on-site and virtual very enjoy the moment from the conference side and from the tour. Also, the keynote speeches and papers presented such an informative and exciting presentation. We look forward to seeing you at the next Conference!