Breaking free from the pandemic shadows, the IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter set the stage for an unforgettable onsite Member Gathering 2024 on February 24th. The event held at the Auditorium Room in the FTI UII Building, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Drawing a dynamic crowd of professionals and academy, the member gathering boasted representatives from BRIN, PT Telkom, UII, UGM, UMY, UNU Yogyakarta, IST Akprind, UTY, ITT Purwokerto, Universitas Telkom, President University, Universitas Tidar, and Universitas Tanjungpura.
The curtain rose with Dr. Cutifa Safitri, the Technical Coordination Activity ComSoc, as the event’s host. Dr. Muhammad Ary Murti, the Chair IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter 2024, and Firdaus, PhD, the Head of the Electrical Engineering Department at UII and Technical Coordination Activity ComSoc, warmly welcomed the speaker and participants.
The Member Gathering unfolded like a symphony, featuring two enthralling acts: Technical Talk and Annual ComSoc Report also Panel Discussion, Moderated by Dr. Alfin Hikmaturokhman on the Technical Talk, transforming the stage into discussions that nurtured the seeds of knowledge exchange, groundbreaking ideas, and visionary strategies. The lineup of speakers and their cutting-edge topics added an electric buzz to the atmosphere:
- Satriyo Dharmanto: IP Network in Modern Public Service Media.
- Dr. Wiseto Agung: Navigating the Digital Innovation Ecosystem.
- Arief Hamdani Gunawan: Unraveling the Ethics of AI in Communications.

Moving on to the second agenda, Dr. Ary Murti reported on ComSoc’s activities and outlined the plans for 2024. Additionally, ComSoc extended its arms to welcome collaboration with both industries and academia. The Panel Discussion sparked engaging conversations, paving the way for future developments.
The organizers expressed their gratitude for the active and enthusiastic participation in the Member Gathering IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter 2024, eagerly anticipating the continued engagement in upcoming events. Thank you for being part of this extraordinary journey!
Link: Member Gathering 2024