The IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter, in collaboration with Telkom University and Universitas Tarumanagara, hosted an online workshop on August 12, 2023, via Zoom Meeting. The workshop focused on the critical topic of “Bias and Responsibility in AI: How to Ensure Ethical and Accountable Machines”.
The workshop was facilitated by three distinguished experts:
- Arief Hamdani Gunawan, Coordinator of the Group of Learning Experts, Innovators, and Researchers at the Indonesia Telecommunication & Digital Research Institute.
- Dr. Faisal Budiman, Head of the Research Section at PPM, Telkom University.
- Dr. Muhammad Ary Murti, Lecturer at Telkom University, Executive Committee Member of IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter, and Advisory Board Member of IEEE Indonesia Section.
This workshop will explore the ethical and social issues related to bias and responsibility in AI. We will learn about the sources, types, and effects of bias in AI systems. We will also discuss the principles, frameworks, and methods for ensuring ethical and accountable AI. Including ethics issues on using AI (such as ChatGPT) to research and write papers. This workshop is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the bias and responsibility in AI and its implications for our future. Whether you are a student, a researcher, a practitioner, a policy maker, or a curious citizen, you are welcome to join us and share your views, opinions, and questions.