The 2022 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob 2022) was held on 9 – 10 December 2022 at Mercure Bandung Nexa Supratman Hotel, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The APWiMob 2022 was co-sponsored by the IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Indonesian Chapter and the School of Electrical Engineering of Telkom University, The APWiMob 2022 was organized by the School of Electrical Engineering of the Telkom University and supported by the IEEE Student Branch (SB) of Telkom University.
Regarding the recovery situation from the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, the conference was held in a hybrid mode, in which presenters can select to present their papers in the conference venue or through video conference platform. The conference was opened for any participant from any country in the world with various backgrounds, e.g., students, faculty staffs, practitioners, experts in industry, etc. The topics discussed in the conference are divided into three broad tracks, which are Fundamentals (e.g., Antenna, Information Theory, Modulation Channel Coding, etc.), Mobile and Wireless Networks (e.g., 5G and Future Networks, Mobile Computing, Software Defined Networking, etc.), and Emerging Services, Security, Applications, and Regulations (e.g., Blockchain, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, etc.). During the conference preparation, we received and reviewed 66 submitted full papers. Among them, 2 papers were withdrawn after being reviewed, 39 papers were accepted, but only 38 papers were presented on the day of the APWiMob 2022 conference. Those 38 presented papers came from three different tracks, which are 12 papers from Mobile and Wireless Networks track, 9 papers from Fundamental track, and 17 papers from Emerging Services, Security, Applications, and Regulation track. Regarding the authors of the presented papers, we found that those authors came from 10 different countries, which are Indonesia (97 authors), Australia (13 authors), Vietnam (6 authors), Morocco (6 authors), Japan (4 authors), Brazil (4 authors), Czech Republic (3 authors), Ukraine (3 authors), USA (3 authors), Taiwan (3 authors). In the end, we can claim that the acceptance rate of the APWiMob 2022 is 59% by considering the accepted papers and the submitted papers.
On the first day of the APWiMob 2022 conference, the opening session was done by having participant registration, welcome messages from the Chair of the APWiMob 2022 and the Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, and Partnership and also photo session as shown in Figure 1. As for the distribution of the participants, we had in total 68 participants for both online through Zoom application and onsite at Mercure Bandung Nexa Supratman Hotel. Among them, there are 3 keynote and invited speakers, 19 committees (including Telkom University IEEE Student Branch, Telkom University Faculty Staff), 3 invited session chairs, and 43 participants (presenters & non-presenters).
Following the opening session, we had 1 invited speech and 2 keynote speeches as shown in Figure 2 with the speakers and their topics as listed below.
- Dr. Mohammed Saif Al-Abiad (University of Toronto, Canada) as an Invited Speaker with the topic “Communication-Efficient Federated Learning: From Centralized to Decentralized”
- Prof. Chih-Yang Lin (Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan) as the first Keynote Speaker with the topic “When Deep learning Meets Computer Vision”
- Assoc. Prof Aloysius Adya Pramudita (Telkom University, Indonesia) as the second Keynote Speaker with the topic “Radar Development for Precision Agriculture”
In the end of the first day of the APWiMob 2022, we announced one best paper on each category as listed below.
- Fusion-Based Direction-Of-Arrival (DoA) Estimation with Spatial Diversity in Multi-Cluster System by Mutmainnah Hasib; Sithamparanathan Kandeepan; Wayne Rowe; Akram Al-Hourani from School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
- Human Activity Detection Employing Full-Type 2D Blazepse Estimztion with LSTM by Suto Setiyadi; Husneni Mukhtar; Willy Anugrah Cahyadi; Chien-Cheng Lee; Wei-Tyng Hong from REAEE Laboratory, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia and School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia and Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
- Water Pollution Monitoring Systems Several Point Locations Using the Internet of Things by Gelar Gemilang Ulkarnain; Brahmantya Aji Pramudita; Istiqomah from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
The second day of the APWiMob 2022 was conducted by having half day city tour to the Kawah Putih Bandung and enjoying local cuisine of Bandung (nasi timbel, turmeric-marinated fried chicken, and sour soup) as shown in Figure 3 below.
The tour begun at 7.00 Indonesian Time and ended at 16.00 Indonesian Time with in total 18 participants.