Handover Chapter Chair 2020

On the first month of 2020, to be exact at 25th January 2020, the handover of the new chairman for the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Indonesia chapter 2020 had been done. Before this handover being done, it had been planned before during the IEEE ComSoc member gathering 2019. They had been discussing who will be the new chairman for the year 2020.  Previously, from the member gathering 2019, Dr Rina Pudji Astuti was the chapter chair and planned to amend the chapter chair and make an electioneering from Mr. Satriyo Dharmanto who was an advisory member. Upon this electioneering, the member had agreed to select Dr. Wiseto Agung as the new Chapter Chair for 2020. This handover was led by Dr. Wiseto Agung that as new chapter chair. This event was attended by new Vice Chair Dr. Bambang Setia Nugroho, Treasurer Dr. Muhammad Ary Murty, Secretary Casi Setianingsih, Technical Activities Coordinator Dr. Gandeva B. Satriya, and being witnessed by some other members of the ComSoc Indonesia Chapter.

The 3rd person from most right with yellow hijab Dr. Rina Pudji Astuti, and the 4th person from Most Right with the brown jacket the new IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter Chair 2020 Dr.Wiseto Agung.