Activities Report 2020

Activities of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Indonesia Chapter During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter

During this unprecedented time, organizing a seminar is pretty impossible. Due to the spread of the Corona Virus Diseases 19 (COVID-19) is inclining dramatically. This causes the government banning and not allowing any mass gathering activities that are involving many people to be gathering in one space. Although, the COVID-19 spread keeps ongoing, this does not stop us from IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter to organizing many event or training via the Internet known as the Webinar or commonly known as the seminar that are conducted through the Internet using video conferencing application.

Before the Covid-19 hits the globe especially at Indonesia, on 25th January 2020, we had organized the Handover New Chair for IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter 2020. This handover is done to officially stated that the new Chapter Chair for 2020 is officially being handover to Dr. Wiseto Agung as the new Chapter Chair and was previously elected by the member of the IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter. Attended by 9 member of IEEE ComSoc Indonesia that was held at BuahBatu, Bandung, Indonesia.

The 3rd person from most right with yellow hijab Dr. Rina Pudji Astuti, and the 4th person from Most Right with the brown jacket the new IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter Chair 2020 Dr.Wiseto Agung.

The month of February, to be exact on 17th February 2020 we had a meeting for Program Arrangement for 2020. This meeting was arranged after the announcement of the new Chapter Chair for 2020. Dr.Wiseto Agung was led the meeting and discussed and planned out with other members the possible activities that can be done in 2020 with its respective month, date and venue. Attended by Dr.Wiseto Agung (Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Indonesia), Dr. Bambang Setia Nugroho (Vice Chair), Mdm Casie Setianingsih (General Secretary), Dr. Muhammad Ary Murti (Treasurer) and Dr. Gandeva Bayu Satrya (Technical Activities Coordinators) and 2 other non-members personnel. Held at Buah Batu, Bandung, Indonesia.

Program Arrangement for 2020

During the end of the month of February, we had held Administration meeting with ARS University Bandung. This meeting was being done to discussed about organizing IEEE Conference APWiMbo 2020. It was attended by 3 IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Officer and 7 ARS Faculty Members and LPPM on 28th February 2020 at ARS University Bandung.

Dr.Muhammad Ary Murti Receiving Consolation Prize from ARS University Bandung

On the early month of June, to be exact on 8th June 2020, we did collaboration with Fastconn, Techbross and Indonesian Telco Consultant to organized Telco Training with the topic “4G5G TRAINING FOR COV19”. In this training, our General Secretary, Alfin Hikmaturohman became the opening class to socialize IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter. For this collaboration, the participant’s fee will be donated for those who are affected by COVID-19.

Poster 4G5G Training

There are 3 Session were held as follow:

  1. “Introduction on Small Satellite System for Massive Machine Type Commnication (5G mMTC)”, Speaker was Wahyudi Hasbi, S.Si, M.Kom (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional-LAPAN),  that been held on 8th June 2020.  Video training can be refer:

Poster Training by Wahyudi Hasbi, S.Si, M.Kom

  • Understanding Multi-Antenna Communication: From AWGN Channels to Massive MIMO. The speaker was Prof. Ir, Gamantyo and held on 11th June 2020 at 20:00. Video training can be refer:

Poster Training by Prof. Ir, Gamantyo

  • Enhanced Security for the Next Generation Wireless Communication Systems by Gandeva Bayu Satrya, Ph.D on 15th June 2020 at 20:00. Video can be view by using this link:

Poster Training by Dr.Gandeva Bayu Satrya, Ph.D

Our first webinar that was been held with the topic “Education Ecosystem 4.0 in Facing the New Normal”. This webinar was held on 1st July 2020. One of the invited guest speaker was Kuncoro Wastuwibowo, Ir, MSC. (SM), he is the Portofolio and Synergy Leader at Telkom Indonesia. During the webinar, he speaks out on how the new normal are forcing out people to do digital transformation and technologies and maximizing the use of big data. Along side Kuncoro Wastuwibowo, our next speaker is Dr. Bambang Setia Nugroho S.T., M.T., he was Dean of School of Electrical Engineering Telkom University. He is the Vice Chair for IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter. He was talked on the industries 4.0 that involving education that people can personalized. On our first webinar, there are 56 participant ranging from variety of background. To view this webinar, you may refer

Poster Education Ecosystem 4.0 in Facing The New Normal Webinar

Our next activities was we did collaboration training on 25th July 2020 with the topic was “5G Spectrum Policy and License Fee Regulation to Face The 5G Era”. The invited as Guest Speaker is Adis Alifiawan., ST.MH and Eri Irawan, ST, MH that are from Ministry of Communications and Informatics (KOMINFO). Alfin Hikmaturokhman .,ST.,MH as the moderator. All participants fee will be donated for those who are affected by the COVID-19 . For this training, focused on 5G Training during the COVID-19.

Poster Spectrum Policy License Fee Regulation to Face the 5G Ultra Training

For this training, there are 5 training titles, the list of training as follow:

  1. Opening Class ” Spectrum Policy and License Fee Regulation to Face the 5G Era”, by Mr Adis Alifiawan.,ST.,MH and Mr Eri Irawan .,ST.,MH from Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika.Moderator by Alfin Hikmaturokhman.,ST.,MT
  2. 5G Massive MIMO and Planning by Hadi Ismanto,
  3. 5G Physical Channel by Yoyok Dwi Parindra
  4. 3GPP Rel 16 Elevates 5G to the Next Level by Dwi Anto Prabowo
  5. 5G Core Architecture & Introduction by Renault Utomo.

You may view the recorded training by the link

Not long after that, we also organizing another webinar after 4 day from our previous collaboration training, we organized webinar on 29th July 2020 with the topic of “IoT Role to Accelerate the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)”. For this webinar, we invited Ir. Teguh Prasetya MWP, MT from Chairman of IoT Association Indonesia as our Guest Speaker. We also invited Dr. Muhammad Ary Murti from IoT Researcher Telkom University and he also as the Treasurer for IEEE ComSoc Indonesia Chapter. Dr. Wiseto Agung as the Chair for IEEE ComSoc Indonesia became the moderator for this webinar. To view the webinar, just refer to this link

Poster IoT Role to Accelerate The Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Shortly afterwards from our previous webinar, on 3rd August 2020, we are collaborationg to organized webinar with Lembaga Sertifikat Prestasi (LSP) Komputer, LSP Telekomunikasi and Train4best for “Certification of Competence in Information Technology and Telecommunication field”. Our General Secretary, Alfin Hikmaturokhman, S.T., M.T became the guest speaker for this webinar. The full recorded webinar on this link

Poster Certification of Competence in Information Technology and Telecommunication field

After a while, we are had planned to carry out a training on the month of October and November. Every weekend on each of the respective month, we will organize a training. The training is discussing in the area of 5G Training for COVID-19. This training was being conducted in collaboration with Fastconn, Techbros and IEEE ComSoc Indonesia. Furthermore, the fund from the participant who are joined for this training will be donated to support the people that are affected by the COVID-19. There are 3 speakers with a respective title because each speakers will talk different topics for specific training. First, Nicky Muhammad Ali will be as the speaker for 5G Core Trainer and the following list of traning as below:

  • Validating the 5GC Network for Max Performance: QoS testing for the 5G Core at Week 1 – Week 2
  • 5G Network Slicing: Ensuring Successful Implementation and Validation on Week 2 –Week 3
  • 5GC Introduction , Architectural and Call Flow at Week 3 – Week 4 and it consist of 2 session.

Afterwards, the next speakers is Yudhi Rahadian which talks on 5G E2E Trainer and the following list of training as below:

  • QRAN Interface and what the Impact for 4G and 5G Network on the 1st week until 2nd week.
  • 5g Edge RAN Architecture and Security on the 2nd Week until 3rd Week
  • 5G End-to-End Concepts for the 3rd Week until the 4th Week.

Finally, the third speakers is Yoyok Dwi Parindra as 5G Radio Trainer and will be assist by NETCO Team and the following are the training as shown as below:

  • 5G Fundamental and Radio Air Interface on the first week until the second week and be conduct in 2 sessions.
  • 5G Radio Network and Parameter Planning on the second week until the third week.
  • 5G Features Technical Overview: from Basic to Advanced Features on the fourth week until fifth week.

Pamphlet for the 5G Training for COVID-19

To sum up, we had organized many training and webinar on the past 2-3 months. We are hoping that we are still able to organize more webinar and training in the near future in order to educating more people in Indonesia the awareness of technology from variety of backgrounds.