IoTaIS 2021 – Activities Report

Hi Everyone!

The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems (IoTaIS 2021) was organized and sponsored by IEEE Communications Society Indonesia Chapter and supported by Telkom University, IEEE IoT Initiative, IPv6 Forum, and CeLOE-Telkom University. 

IoTaIS 2021 was held online or virtual from 23-24 November 2021 due to the outbreak of the COVID-19, making it accessible for worldwide audiences. All presenters must provide a video presentation of their work in advance but still be present online during the Q&A session.

Recent developments of the Internet of Things and Intelligence systems are numerous and exciting, covering many areas, such as transportation, healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, and smart city. Many new ideas and research results in these fields continue to emerge from time to time. Unfortunately, there only exist a few events in the region with suitable places to present the ideas and exhibit the recent research results of IoT and Intelligence systems. The IoTaIS conference provides solutions for the problems above by bringing together industry, researchers, and academics to share the latest research, collaborate, and share ideas for improving IoT and Intelligence systems.

IoTaIS 2021 received 87 submitted papers from various authors from all over the world. After each paper had been carefully reviewed and accepted, 42 papers are 48,2% of the acceptance ratio. Finally, 41 papers have been registered with 157 registered Authors from 18 countries. The paper published in The IoTaIS 2021 will be published in IEEE Xplore and Scopus Indexed.

The opening speech session was delivered by:

  1. Dr. Istikmal as the Chair of IoTaIS 2021
  2. Dr. Wiseto Agung as the Chair of IEEE Communications Society Indonesia Chapter
  3. Dr. Rina Pudji Astuti as the Vice-Rector at Telkom University, Indonesia

Photo of Opening IoTaIS 2021

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The keynote speech moderated by Dr. Willy Anugrah Cahyadi delivered by:

  1. Dr. Pascal Thurbert. Topic entitled: Reliable and Available Wireless: The IPv6 contribution towards end-to-end determinism over 5G and beyond
  2. Dr. Jorge Pereira. Topic entitled: Challenges of 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility
  3. Prof. Ari Pouttu. Topic entitled: 6G Future – According to the 6G White Papers Published by 6G Flagship

Photo of Keynote Speech IoTaIS 2021

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Parallel Session

Day-1 featured 17 papers presented in 2 sessions, with the moderator from each parallel session:

  1. Session 1: Dr. Gandeva Bayu Satrya
  2. Seeesion 2: Dr. Reza Rendian Septiawan

Day-2 featured 24 papers presented in 4 sessions, with the moderator from each parallel session:

  1. Session 3: Dr. Wahmisari Priharti
  2. Session 4: Dr. Asep Suhendi
  3. Session 5: Dr. Reza Rendian Septiawan
  4. Session 6: Dr. Rahmat Awaludin Salam

The IoTaIS 2021 event was a great success. IoTaIS 2021 has a strong foundation for bringing together industry and academia. Please join us in the next IoTaIS!

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