Hi Everyone
IEEE Comnetsat is an annual conference of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Indonesia Chapter, the IEEE Indonesia Section, and the IEEE AESS/GRSS Indonesia Joint Chapter. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, IEEE Comnetsat 2021 is organized by IT Telkom Purwokerto with IEEE conference virtually on 17-18 July 2021.
IEEE Comnetsat 2021 aims to address the current state of technology and the outcome of ongoing research in the area of Broadband & Photonics, Communication, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, Network, and Satellite. As the ten years of Comnetsat, this conference shows its sustainability due to the hard work of the conference organizers, well-organized conference, and high-quality papers. It can be seen from the acceptance rate of 56%. Out of 117 papers submitted, only 65 papers were accepted.
- 2 papers on Broadband & Photonics
- 16 papers on Communication
- 27 papers on Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
- 16 papers on Network
- 4 papers on Satellite
There are 17 participating countries with the top 5 countries with the most participants being Indonesia, Iraq, India, Vietnam, and Taiwan. We also thank the Technical Program Committee (TPC) for reviewing the submitted papers. There are 324 TPCs from 50 countries, with the top 5 countries with the highest number of TPCs being the USA, China, India, Italy, and France.
The opening speech session was delivered by:
- Dr. Kemas Muslim Lhaksmana as Executive Committee of IEEE Indonesia Section
- Dr. Wiseto Agung as Chair of IEEE Communications Society Indonesia
- Dr. Arifin Nugroho as Chair of Indonesian Section IEEE AESS/GRSS Chapter
- Dr. Ali Rokhman as General Chair Comnetsat 2021/Rector of ITTP
- The keynote speech
Day 1. Moderator: Hari Widi Utomo, S.Pd., M.Ed
- Prof. Mathini Sellathurai, from Heriot-Watt University. Topic entitled: An Autoencoder-based End-to-End Learning Framework for Future Wireless and Satellite Networks.
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Agustian Taufiq Asyhari, from Birmingham City University. Topic entitled: Enabling Future Superconnectivity: Internet of Things as a Melting Pot of Communications and Intelligence.
- Prof. Ridha Hamila from Qatar University. Topic entitled: D2D-MEC System for Video Streaming.
Day 2. Moderator: Merlinda Wibowo., S.T., M.Phil
- Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, from Chiba University. Topic entitled: Microwave Remote Sensing and the Applications for Environmental Monitoring.
- Parallel Session
On Day-1, there were 45 papers presented in 4 sessions with the moderator from each parallel session is:
- Session 1: Daniel Yeri Kristiyanto, S.Kom., M.Si., M.Kom
- Session 2: Agi Prasetiadi, S.T., M.Eng
- Session 3: Merlinda Wibowo., S.T., M.Phil
- Session 4: Yulian Zetta Maulana, S.T., M.T.
On Day-2, there were 18 papers presented in 4 sessions with the moderator from each parallel session is:
- Session 1: Daniel Yeri Kristiyanto, S.Kom., M.Si., M.Kom
- Session 2: Agi Prasetiadi, S.T., M.Eng
- Session 3: Diandra Chika Fransisca, S.Si., M.Si
- Session 4: Yulian Zetta Maulana, S.T., M.T.
Photo Session COMNETSAT 2021

Photo Session COMNETSAT 2021